The leading online Right of Publicity resource.

About the Author

The author and creator of this site is the Founder, Managing Partner and General Counsel of Luminary Group, LLC, a licensing and consulting agency that represents iconic personalities as well as providing expert witness and valuation services.  Faber has served as an expert in landmark cases and is the creator and professor of the first known law school course dedicated entirely to the Right of Publicity (through the Center for Innovation and Intellectual Property at Indiana University McKinney School of Law).  Faber also is an attorney for McNeely Law LLP where he handles intellectual property and business matters.  Over the years, Faber has represented hundreds of rights owners, including Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, Vince Lombardi, Princess Diana, Coach John Wooden, I(Love)NY, and Jesse Owens, among many others.

Faber often serves as a speaker at industry conferences (such as Licensing University at the annual Licensing Show, AdWeek convention, Fordham Law School’s Annual International Intellectual Property and Policy conference, and the annual conferences for both California CPAs as well as AIPLA).  He has been published and quoted in various publications ranging from USA Today, the Hollywood Reporter, Forbes, Variety, Billboard, License! Magazine, and MSNBC among others, and Luminary Group has been noted in a 60 Minutes segment on the rights he specializes in managing, and has provided input to HBO Vice and The Atlantic Monthly.

Faber also serves as an expert witness on intellectual property and licensing matters including cases involving the Ramones, Shaun White, 50 Cent, Uma Thurman, Lancome, Zooey Deschanel, Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx, Kohl’s, Drake, the animated character Madeline, Vans, DIC, NASCAR’s Robby Gordon, Checkers/Rallys, Fruit of the Loom, and the Hubert Hansen Trust.  Faber was a valuation analyst for certain intellectual property interests pertaining to Prince and his estate.

Faber is a voting member of the National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS, which administers the annual Grammy Awards), a member of ASCAP, and past Chair of the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Executive Committee on Sports and Entertainment Law.

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