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Motley Crue founder Nikki Sixx, promoting new book “This Is Gonna Hurt,” gives advice to young bands: “know the legal system”

May 9, 2011 No Comments »
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Founding member of Motley Crue, author, and photographer Nikki Sixx is busy promoting his new book “This Is Gonna Hurt.”  In an interview with The Huffington Post, Nikki is asked what advice he would give to young artists.  His answer is dead-on:  “learn the legal system.”  Sixx practices what he preaches.  In fact, as his valuation expert in his lawsuit against Vans, he’s one rock star who could probably explain what “the Right of Publicity” is in some detail. 


I had the opportunity to serve as Nikki’s valuation expert in his lawsuit against Vans.  Vans ran a significant advertising campaign featuring Nikki’s image along with then-Skater of the Year, Tony Trujillo.  Nikki consented to the appearance and to give the award to Trujillo, but by no means would that consent have equated to the right to launch an advertising campaign.  The case was televised by Court TV.  Here’s a link to the announcement of his victory against Vans:


Here’s a link to Nikki’s full interview with The Huffington Post:

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