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Hulk Hogan v. Post Cocoa Pebbles: And the Winner Is?

June 30, 2010 No Comments »
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Professional wrestler and reality TV mainstay Hulk Hogan has filed a claim against Post for an advertisement for Cocoa Pebbles cereal in which an animated character based on Hogan’s likeness appears.  The suit was filed in Florida district court.  In the Cocoa Pebbles ad, Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble are in the ring against an opponent with long blond hair and a long blond mustache referred to as “Hulk Boulder.”  Hulk Hogan went by the name Hulk Boulder in the 1970s.  The commercial kept running after Hogan originally objected to it in August 2009.

In the advertisement, the Hulk Boulder character initially wins a match against Fred and Barney, and eats a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles, but then Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm toss Boulder into the air.  Boulder breaks into pieces upon landing, which Hogan characterized as humiliating in his complaint.

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