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Michael Jackson licensed products about to hit shelves, but who has a claim to the proceeds?

July 10, 2009 No Comments »
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It didn’t take long, and it might be because of the merchandise in development for the anticipated Michael Jackson tour, but Michael Jackson merchandise is about to hit shelves.  Perhaps the most interesting question is, who will have a claim to the proceeds generated by the Michael Jackson products?  Stores slated to carry Michael Jackson goods include Target, JC Penney, Hot Topic, and Spencer’s.  As reported by the LA Times, Bravado is licensed via AEG.  AEG, in turn, had certain rights to create merchandise for the Michael Jackson concert in London.  The LA Times story indicates that it is unclear whether Michael Jackson’s heirs will receive a share of the proceeds generated by the products.  As predicted by the first blog posted on this site concerning Michael Jackson’s death, the answer to this question may have to be answered by a Judge.  Here is a link to the LA Times article:,0,1433764.story

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