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USPTO Roundtable on Right of Publicity, NIL, and Artificial Intelligence

August 1, 2024 No Comments »
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A USPTO roundtable will take place on August 5, 2024 on the topic of Right of Publicity and Artificial Intelligence. USPTO AI Right of Publicity roundtable link The program is called Protecting NIL, Persona, and Reputation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and will be livestreamed at this link: livestream link for USPTO AI Right of Publicity roundtable

With credit to the USPTO link above, the queries posed for the roundtable consist of:
1. How does the use of unauthorized NIL content harm individuals? Does AI technology exacerbate the creation and use of unauthorized NIL content and harm to individuals? If so, how?
2. How can AI be used as a legitimate and constructive tool in circumstances where individuals grant permission to a third party to use their NIL?
3. Do technological mechanisms or protocols currently exist to identify AI-generated NIL content, to prevent or deter unauthorized AI-generated NIL content, or to remove unauthorized AI-generated NIL content after it has been released? What other types of mechanisms or protocols exist, or should exist, to identify AI-generated NIL content or address unauthorized NIL content?
4. Currently, NIL is primarily protected via state law. In addition, some Federal statutes also address certain misuses of NIL. For example, the Lanham Act includes a provision—15 U.S.C. 1125(a)—that can be used to bring a Federal cause of action in certain circumstances involving NIL misuse. Are current legal protections for NIL rights sufficient? Why or why not?
5. There have been calls for a new Federal law to address unauthorized use of NIL content, including content generated by AI. Should Congress create a new Federal law to protect NIL? If so:
(a) Should current state NIL laws, such as state right of publicity laws, be preempted if a new Federal NIL law is enacted?
(b) What key elements should be incorporated in a new Federal NIL law?
(c) Should any new Federal NIL law protect against all unauthorized replicas of an individual’s NIL or focus on unauthorized AI-generated replicas?
(d) Some state laws addressing NIL protect only well-known individuals. Likewise, many Federal circuit courts require a showing, among other elements, that a plaintiff is famous or recognizable by the public in order to succeed on a claim under 15 U.S.C. 1125(a). Should this requirement of fame or recognizability be included in a new Federal law protecting NIL rights? Why or why not?
(e) Should a new Federal law prohibit non-commercial uses of unauthorized NIL content, such as political deep fakes and revenge pornography?
(f) What types of enforcement mechanisms should be included in any new Federal NIL law?
(g) What elements should be included in a new Federal NIL law to help ensure it does not become obsolete due to rapid changes in AI technology?
(h) Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act states: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” Section 230 also expressly provides that “[n]othing in this section shall be construed to limit or expand any law pertaining to intellectual property.” Should any new Federal NIL law be considered an “intellectual property law” for purposes of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act?
(i) How should Congress address First Amendment considerations in any new Federal NIL law?
(j) Should any new Federal NIL law be incorporated into the Lanham Act?
6. What limits, if any, should be placed on the voluntary transfer of rights concerning NIL to a third party? For example, should there be limits on the duration of such transfers?
7. Questions 1-6 above relate to individuals’ NIL. How should these questions be answered in the context of individuals’ and creators’ reputations?

Hopefully, this roundtable will be a balanced and fair exploration of these topics. The Right of Publicity often lacks a unified voice of support because it is inherently a person-to-person proposition; in contrast, it is opposed by industries, unions, and lobbying arms, or individuals who sometimes seem quite separate from the perspective that only comes from actually working with affected parties.

Regarding point five, the prospect of any Federal Right of Publicity statute must not lose the ground gained over the last 120 years. My hope is that the USPTO’s August 5 roundtable presents a balanced discussion on this critical topic.

Apparently, a transcript and recording of the event will be available after the livestream at this link: Transcript for USPTO AI Right of Publicity Roundtable

The Right of Publicity and Scarlett Johannson’s response to ChatGPT Sky voice

May 21, 2024 No Comments »
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Details and context matter in Right of Publicity analysis. As a brief summary, OpenAI recently released its ChatGPT 4.0 with a chatbot voice (“Sky”) which Scarlett Johannson says is “eerily similar” to hers. We don’t know how the situation may get resolved, but the Right of Publicity provides a response. Apparently, an offer was made by OpenAI for Johannson to voice the ChatGPT 4.0 chat bot. Johannson declined. It may have seemed like a natural fit due to Johannson’s role in the movie Her in which she was the voice of an AI system. Perhaps that fit was so natural that on May 13, 2024 in proximity to the release, Sam Altman issued a one-word tweet: “her.” Past negotiations and this tweet could be the subject of considerable attention, as an example of why “details and context matter” when it comes to the Right of Publicity. The company has denied that Sky was meant to sound like Johannson, but these details could possibly indicate otherwise.

Here is a link to one of numerous articles providing more details: Scarlett Johannson ChatGPT voice that sounded like her

ELVIS Act amends Tennessee Right of Publicity law with AI provisions

March 29, 2024 No Comments »
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Tennessee’s Right of Publicity statute has been amended to provide broader provisions against artificial intelligence. Specifically, the amendment fortifies the concept of voice and the vulnerabilities AI could take advantage of if left unchecked.

Here is a link to the amendment: Tennessee ELVIS Act amendment

And here is a link to the Recording Academy’s announcement:
Recording Academy ELVIS Act announcement

US Supreme Court to consider Andy Warhol’s Prince Series in relation to copyright fair use and transformative test

April 14, 2022 No Comments »
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You can find information concerning the dispute between the Andy Warhol Foundation (AWF) and photographer Lynn Goldsmith elsewhere, such as the factual underpinnings, lower court rulings on the case to date, and the arguments on either side easily enough in other place. Given the recent acceptance of a writ of certiorari by the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS), I will simply note a few details that could be interesting to watch from a Right of Publicity perspective.

First, it is interesting to consider that in Comedy III, the court specifically cited Warhol’s Marilyn as the example of a transformative work, in crafting and applying its transformative use test to the Right of Publicity. Often lost in discussion of the case and reference thereto, the rightsowners of the Three Stooges (Comedy III) won the case on Right of Publicity grounds in relation to the commercial activities that had occurred in relation to a charcoal sketch of the Three Stooges by the defendant. The original work of art itself was not really the issue, but rather, the activities connected to that work were found to constitute a Right of Publicity violation. The Judge carefully articulated a test for deciding such situations, thus advancing the transformative use test for Right of Publicity purposes.

In the Warhol dispute concerning Lynn Goldsmith’s Prince photograph, the issue is of a copyright nature. Still, it is interesting that in a notable prior case (Comedy III), Warhol’s Marilyn was cited as the example of a transformative use. Now, in the AWF / Goldsmith matter the very question of whether Warhol’s rendering of Prince is transformative takes center stage.

Second, in teaching Comedy III this semester after news of SCOTUS accepting AWF’s petition, a question was raised whether Warhol perhaps used a reference photo in creating his Marilyn work. The inquiry is intriguing, though perhaps only for academic reasons. Without knowing the specifics, it seems plausible that if Warhol used a reference work for creation of his Prince work, it is possible he did the same for creation of his Marilyn work. The implications, if so, can be considered elsewhere.

Third, it is important to note that the AWF Goldsmith matter to be decided by SCOTUS, with a decision expected sometime in 2023, ought to be confined to a copyright decision. Any Right of Publicity involved would be that of Prince, and it is assumed that the rightsowners of Prince’s publicity rights are not part of the matter. SCOTUS is good at keeping the issues it is considering confined to only that which is in front of the Court at that time. In other words, no matter what SCOTUS decides in the AWF Goldsmith matter, it is expected to be a copyright decision only.

Last, and despite the observation in the preceding paragraph, certain Right of Publicity tests and analytical constructs often borrow from the copyright realm. If the transformative use test happens to be recast or adjusted by SCOTUS, it would not be surprising to see future holdings considering the Right of Publicity in relation to a Comedy III-type transformative use test take into account what the Supreme Court finds in the Warhol Goldsmith matter concerning Warhol’s Prince series.

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